Technology vendor selection for a Local Authority

Rokker was engaged to validate technology options for a new content management system (CMS) for a local authority as a key dependency in implementation of their digital content strategy.


Our discovery process drew from the clients’ internal sources including running a series of workshops with core internal teams. We built upon the MoSCoW from a previous requirements gathering exercise, reviewed their website architecture and design brief, digital content strategy and information on their target audience.


During this process we challenged their thinking in a number of areas including questioning whether they had fully considered the impact of the new Target Operating Model upon their engagement aspirations. This led us to construct a RACI matrix to demonstrate the impact upon personnel involved. It also surfaced requirements around the kind of account and technical support they might need. We also challenged thinking around the appropriate technological approach with advancements in technology, the use of mobile, social media and video.


We provided the client with an evaluation of 30 Headless and Hybrid CMS and CaaS providers, including those used specifically by Local Authorities across England. The providers were scored against both their ability to meet the clients’ requirements and criteria such as the tech stack in use, confidence in the support available, accessibility requirements, sector experience and reputation.


We also gave guidance on our expectations as to ‘low’ and ‘high’ pricing estimates based on previous experience. This was delivered along with estimated operational and support costs and a 7-month implementation schedule to empower the client with knowledge and guidance on what a successful project should look like.

Technology Vendor Selection


Use of our thoroughly researched vendor evaluation gave the client a solid foundation for decision making and confidence in the vendor selection process. The guidance we provided on pricing and implementation also empowered them with the knowledge they needed for informed negotiations with the vendors.


We really enjoyed working with the Rokker Consulting team; they were professional, well informed and a pleasure to work with. Their thorough approach and expertise really helped to bring the fresh perspective we needed. Their vendor analysis has given us the confidence to proceed with selecting a technology partner who we believe will meet our needs not only now but well into the future.”

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