Making adjustments to achieve sustainable competitive advantage

Our client needed a greater understanding of the competitive landscape and how to adjust their structure and operation to achieve sustainable competitive advantage.


Upon defining the core challenges and success metrics we proceeded with the Discovery phase. This included key stakeholder interviews in a ‘no holds barred’ unpacking session. This helped to identify where views were aligned (or otherwise) and any obstacles to change. Further to this the wider team participated in a confidential online survey to help us to gauge the overall sentiment. We also undertook customer interviews and surveys and a competitor audit to visualise the client’s situation within the market. The competitor audit included a review of communications, acquisitions, trends and other notable landscape movement.


Our research process revealed a number of key themes, namely that the culture was strong and therefore using the Kaizen method of making small continuous improvements in many places would have a preferable impact to significantly changing the organisational structure. We also identified that their business development process was generating value that wasn’t being remunerated, therefore adding cost to the business which could be addressed through a change in process and approach.


By using a Design Thinking ideation process, we personified the brands personality, enabling us to define a set of values and direction of travel which sat comfortably with their culture. The new Vision and Mission statements were developed as a statement of “journey” rather than of fixed destination. This flexible approach was adopted to enable a more explorative and opportunistic evolutionary path. By pairing the statements with the established values, the company could make informed and robust business decisions that aligned with their trajectory and values.


Alongside the Vision and Mission statements, we delivered a set of Minimum Viable Initiatives (MVI’s) © which not only helped to embed the vision, mission and values but defined how to achieve the new business structure in straightforward steps.

sustainable competitive advantage

Rokkers thorough and in-depth approach identified a problem we didn’t know we had and helped us to know our colleagues, customers and competition much better. Their inclusive process and data-based solutions have aided internal adoption and helped to propel us into a more sustainable future. Thanks Rokker!”

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