Knowing where to focus resources in a Web3 world

Operating in the technology space, our client was keen to understand where they might have the right to win in the emerging worlds of the Metaverse and Web3. The focus of this project was to form a set of hypotheses as a pre-cursor to more detailed validation.


Our research included assessing the definition, market opportunity and growth of the Metaverse within the Web3 context. We closely examined four key Web3 features: decentralisation, the creator web & economy, the semantic web, and augmented & virtual reality. We provided a contextual view of the current associated products and services. We mapped these against our client’s existing offerings as well as identified opportunities for commercial gain in new product and service areas. We used both internal (opportunities to improve the way the organisation operates) and external (product and services to enhance customer experience).


Our research helped to bring clarity around existing core products and services, and what further Web3 products and services our client might develop for both their consumer and enterprise customers. We then prioritised these in order of opportunities with most right to win.


We analysed the communications of both competitors and thought leaders regarding the Metaverse to demonstrate our clients position and potential to own the dialogue. We also investigated how and why our client might bring communities together in their own Metaverse.



We presented the client with a report which outlined areas where we recommended they should invest time and resources bringing clarity in response to a big question.


With an organisation as large and diverse as ours, it can be challenging to know which emerging trends and technologies to focus our efforts on. Rokkers report really helped to bring focus to both the level we’re already operating at currently in Web3, and the potential areas for growth and expansion.”

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