Gaining alignment for growth and competitive edge

Our client recognised that they were competing against low budget automated services and wanted to know how to position their personalised recruitment service for its next phase of growth. Rokker were asked to undertake research and consultancy around their proposition, people and process to bring strategic alignment for the way forward.


Rokker’s Discovery phase included reviewing customer survey results and company data to understand the company’s position in the market. A number of different data visualisation techniques were used to highlight opportunities in the market for organisational improvement or product development. We also held an unpacking session with key stakeholders to gain their perspective.


Our research process explored our clients’ closest competitors, their platforms and services. We also looked into changes in millennial job culture and the potential impact on the future of recruitment.


We identified a number of themes emerging through the research. These themes informed a framework of Minimum Viable Initiatives (MVI’s)© which we created to help them gain competitive advantage. MVI’s are developed as steps to facilitate clients in addressing each challenge or opportunity. This framework then enables them to create their own MVI’s over time.

Alignment for Growth

Working with Rokker on this project has enabled us to make informed choices about the creation of new business lines and products. It’s also given us the insight to make significant organisational improvements which have resulted in greater profitability.”

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